Lunchbreak Doodle 3


Once again I found some time to do some sketchy stuff during lunchbreak.

Here’s the result, as always it ended up being a portrait… 😦

Once again a few recent sketches. Did them during tle last week. Sketched in the train and under the sun.

This time in colour!

Currently working on some personal pieces to hopefully get enough artsy stuff to fuel a small exhibition.
This one’s currently under construction.
I was revisiting a piece I did a couple of years ago(ended up redoing it completely) of my girlfriend at that time. So this picture holds her spirit. The name’s not related to that though.
Tell me what you think. “Useful” critique is very welcome;)

The tattoo design on the side of the girls body is a piece out of my sketchbook,(will show you that page soon) that I was really satisfied with after a while. I thought it fits perfectly with the backgroundstory I thought about while designing that piece.

…so here’s what I did today in about two hours.
I started this sketch during my lunchbreak at work.
For a earlier version click here.

When I arrived at home I really needed to finish this piece.
Here it is! (please FULLVIEW!)



Here’s another lunchbreak-doodle.
Kind of a young maori housemaid in the 20s.
Will probably work a little more on this one but have to many other things to do right now.

About 2/3 hours time with my lil bamboo 😦 and ps cs3…