Hi folks,

This is a progression image of a scenery for the “Digital Illustration – Concept Art” workshop me and a fellow artist Daniel Farin are giving this weekend in the Art School in Oldenburg, showing my steps on how to start on a painting from rough thumbnail to a more detailed version. I had the feeling that I needed to include something with a landscape. Didn’t turned out too well, think I need heaps more practice in that regard as well as natural light colour practice. Also see the higher res animated *.gif HERE. Still a rough one but it serves its purpose and I only show it for a few seconds while explaining.

Sadly/Fortunately all seats are already occupied, so no real chance to attend anymore. HERE are the workshop details however.
So excited how it’s gonna be tutoring the attendants. I’m really interested to see with how much experience they come and with how much they will leave.

This here is another image explaining a little more detailed how to progress and what to be aware of / what to pay attention to.

Cel Revisited


Hi Internetz,

Portfolio Refreshment, with fresh new stuff… and guurls. Does anyone of you remember the initial sketches of the character Cel for the webcomic “Nightwall” a friend of mine and me wanted to start half a year ago? Sadly I never really found the time to get onto starting the panels and because I feel really bad about that, this post is dedicated to the comic and especially you, Rory, may the Settlers be with you.

Anyway, here’s the new, updated, realistic, high-res, reenvisioned version of the badass main character Cel

fullsize pls!

Feel free to give me useful critique, as always (:

(I’m available for freelance. Visit my portfolio HERE.)

Sketchytime again!


Found some time this evening to get back into the habit of sketching on the computer again. After doing all this traditional work last week, that I won’t show here… probably… So this is just some quickies on four different humans in clothes, took 50 min, or so. Done with ps cs6 and a wacom.

I just recently realised, that I should stuff up my portfolio with more of the work I actually want to work for when clients are hiring me. So, clients, please hire me for “Creature and Character Concepts” for multimedia productions!

right click > fullsize image!